Robin's Redemption
written by Jeremy Jagusch
However, the funeral reception is soon interrupted by Robin, who used to frequent the streets of this town, begging for change or food. Robin was often avoided by the members of the community, and eventually faded from the town’s memory. The recently deceased was the only person who understood Robin’s unique personality and views on the world. But now, you will join forces in order to find a hidden treasure, and set Robin free.
Robin's Redemption is designed for one room historic venues
Interactive performances that turn audiences into participants
Engage audiences with escape room style mysteries
Customized to your local history
Option to include local actors in supporting roles
One room historic venues may also be interested in The Round Table
Large historic venues may also be interested in In Time or The Last Stand
Libraries and primarily exhibit based venues should consider Circa
Venues looking for children's programming should consider our workshops
Robin's Redemption is a great opportunity to showcase your local history as well as infuse your community with the flavor local talent can bring. Live History Shows offers you the chance to present history in unique, interactive way. Each unique theatre show is customized to your venue, using details and facts that are both well known, and little known.
What better way for visitors old and new to enjoy and experience the past of your town! Live History; bringing your history to life.
Book today! We work with all budgets, audience sizes, and booking times.