In Time
written by Jeremy Jagusch
Welcome to one of the most exciting events of the season! You lucky few have been given an audience with the one in charge. Your task must be completed before your audience time or you will not enjoy the consequences. Will you have to clean the latrine? Crush the grapes individually? Clean the floor with a single blade of grass? Or will you be rewarded for your hard work?
The clock is ticking. The sand is slipping through the hourglass. Lives could be at stake; history could be changed. The whole world rests on your shoulders, and time is running out. Will you be in time?
The Audience Experience
In Time Unlimited has escape room, quest, and theatre elements. Expect to work with your group and the actors as you explore the venue while trying to solve clues and complete your selected tasks.
Each character you’ll meet has a unique list of tasks to complete, so be sure to carefully consider which characters you’ll want to help or hinder.
Characters and their stories appear in real time as they go about their day. For a full experience, be sure to spend as much time as possible with each one!
In Time Unlimited is a site specific promenade show that allows you walk around the venue, solving tasks as you do so. Participants are usually given one hour to complete their chosen task list.
Given the nature of In Time Unlimited, there is no set audience limit. Instead, audience members are given “start times” to begin their experience. Generally, these start times happen every fifteen minutes.
Venues Considering Booking In Time Unlimited
In Time Unlimited is an all day Live History experience for venues of all genres. Exhibit based or historical venues, or a combination of both can run this experience. Venues can choose the number of characters, the theme, and the final quest. Live History uses multiple characters from your exhibits, and your history to create an experience like no other. Running for 4-8 hours, groups are assigned a start time every 15 minutes, and have 60-90 minutes to complete missions and tasks before they are granted an audience with the King; the Boss; the Master; the Curator; the one in charge.
Groups are presented with a world that has completely come to life around them, and are set against a ticking clock to try and solve the mystery; stop the message; escape the venue, etc. Each In Time experience created is completely unique to the venue, featuring key characters, recognizable names from the past, and puzzles of all genres. With multiple plot lines and changing outcomes, visitors can come back each day for a new experience.
This experience can accommodate an unlimited amount of people running in 15 minute time slots.
In Time Unlimited is designed for large venues of all kinds
Interactive performances that turn audiences into participants
Engage audiences with quests and escape room style mysteries
Customized to your local history
Option to include local actors in supporting roles
One room historic venues should consider A Knock at the Door or The Round Table
Large historic venues may also be interested in The Interview
Libraries and exhibit based venues should consider Behind Glass or A Timeless Gathering
Venues looking for children's programming should consider our workshops
This production is also available as a virtual experience. In person productions follow our COVID-19 Safety Protocols.
In Time is a great opportunity to showcase your local history as well as infuse your community with the flavor local talent can bring. Live History Shows offers you the chance to present history in unique, interactive way. Each unique theatre show is customized to your venue, using details and facts that are both well known, and little known.
What better way for visitors old and new to enjoy and experience the past of your town! Live History; bringing your history to life.
Book today! Monthly, weekly and daily bookings available. We work with all budgets and audience sizes.

War of 1812 In Time at Fort Malden (Amherstburg)
Audience Searches for clues at The Secrets of the Radar Museum